BPTW’s three-stage asset review process supported Hyde in identifying the latent development value of 41 sites within its existing landholdings in West Sussex, Greenwich, Lambeth and Lewisham, enhancing the organisation’s long-term development decisions.
Client | Hyde |
Number of Homes | circa 8000 |
Other Consultants |
FFT: Property Consultant |

Our three-stage process commenced with initial site assessments of 41 sites supported by site visits, photographic documentation and desktop studies encompassing planning policy, TPO data, flood zones, ownership, and transport ratings. We assigned opportunity scores to each site using a traffic light system for categories including placemaking, quantum and ownership, with all sites ordered by priority to create a targeted list of those with the greatest potential. We reported to Hyde with an assessment summary and list of observations to help it identify a strategy to take forward.
In stage 2, we created capacity studies for all sites with an identified development potential comprising further site analysis, constraints and opportunities diagrams. Our additional studies guided Hyde’s decisions about development options for each site, including redevelopment, infill, or refurbishment. Each site benefited from a proposed site plan with development options and massing studies illustrating how proposals could relate to the context supported by accommodation schedules of residential quantum based on the local planning policy mix.
BPTW then created comprehensive feasibility studies for the highest-ranking sites, including additional floor plans and massing studies to confirm stage two assumptions. Our final report to Hyde indicated the development potential of each selected site, generating circa 8000 new homes and a 140% residential uplift on their existing housing stock. Our assessment allowed Hyde to make informed development decisions about its housing stock and a long term development programme.
Project Team

Anna Kadziolka