17 - 12 - 2024
We are pleased to have recently concluded the Hemel Garden Communities Strategic Design Code for Dacorum Borough Council (DBC) and St Albans City and District Council (SADC).
Led by BPTW’s Urban Design team, with consultants HTA and Urban Movement, the draft code forms the first part of design coding that will shape the future development of northern and eastern areas of Hemel Hempstead and guide the integration of a series of new neighbourhoods as part of the “One Hemel” approach to growth and regeneration.
The strategic design code supports the Hemel Garden Communities (HGC) Framework Plan, which will guide the delivery of up to 11,000 new homes and facilities in the area. The code will also play a crucial role in shaping the policies of the emerging local plans for both DBC and SADC, and form the basis of the accompanying Supplementary Planning Document (HGC Framework and Transformation Plan SPD).
Guided by the National Model Design Code and National Design Guide, the draft code focuses on three key themes; Green & Blue Infrastructure, Transport & Mobility, and Placemaking, structured around the four spatial pillars that underpin the HGC Programme’s concept framework.
Through close collaboration with both Councils and key stakeholders, the BPTW-led consultant team is providing a clear vision and coding plan, focusing on structuring principles across the growth areas. This includes strategic requirements and neighbourhood wide coding to guide a place-based approach to movement, public space & nature, and placemaking.
The Strategic Design Code has been submitted as part of the Dacorum Borough Council St Albans City and District Council Local Plans’ Regulation 19 Hemel Garden Community Evidence Base.